Chronic kidney disease (CKD) - General Back ground
The invention relates to a method and device for dialysis and or bulk fluid removal by generating a fibrosis chamber within a body cavity and performing dialysis or bulk fluid removal. An implantable medical device is described having a fibrosis chamber and a pump. A dialysis chamber and an optional electrodialysis unit can further be provided. An additional controller uses sensory feedback to regulate the fluid levels by altering the extracellular fluid retention within the fibrosis chamber. This device can be used for the treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease who may also be suffering from cardiorenal syndrome and hypertension.
The invention relates to a partially or fully implantable medical device for dialysis or fluid removal from the peritoneum that overcomes problems with fibrogenesis and infection. The medical device has a partially porous mesh that forms a fibrosis cage upon implantation into a patient, an optional dialysis chamber inside the partially porous mesh or extracorporeally having an inlet and an outlet, and a pumping means for pumping fluid out of the fibrosis cage. The systems and methods of the invention optionally include an implantable dialyzer and or electrodialyzer. The invention further relates to methods of introducing a dialysate directly into a patient and dialyzing blood intracorporeally or extracorporeally.
Kidneys of the human body function to remove excess fluids as well as some ions. The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. A nephron consists of a filtering unit of tiny blood vessels called a glomerulus attached to a tubule. When blood enters the glomerulus, it is filtered and the remaining fluid then passes along the tubule. In the tubule, chemicals and water are either added to or removed from this filtered fluid according to the body's needs, and the final product is urine, which is excreted.
In patients with chronic kidney disease, kidney function is severely compromised. Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease, is a progressive loss in renal function over a period of months or years. The most severe stage of CKD is End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), which occurs when the kidneys cease to function. The two main causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are responsible for up to two-thirds of the cases. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for all people having CKD. Excessive fluid can accumulate in patients suffering from ESRD. The mortality rate of ESRD patients who receive traditional hemodialysis therapy is 24% per year with an even higher mortality rate among diabetic patients. Fluid accumulates in ESRD patients because the kidneys can no longer effectively remove water and other fluids from the body. The fluid accumulates first in the blood and then accumulates throughout the body, resulting in swelling of the extremities and other tissues as edema. This accumulation of fluid causes increased stress on the heart, in turn causing significant increases in blood pressure or hypertension, which can lead to heart failure.
Although the population of patients afflicted with CKD grows each year, there is no cure. Current treatments for CKD seek to slow the progression of the disease. However, as the disease progresses, renal function decreases, and, eventually, renal replacement therapy is employed to compensate for lost kidney function. Renal replacement therapy entails either transplantation of a new kidney or dialysis.
Nephropathy 신증
KIDNEY 신장, 콩팥
Fibrogenesis 섬유조직의 증식
hemodialysis 혈액투석
dialyzing blood 혈액투석을 받다
dialysate 체외로 빠진 투석물
bulk fluid 체액
extracorporeal(extracorporeally) 체외의, 체외에서 일어나는
porous 다공성의
mesh 그물망구조, 맞물리다.
electrodialysis unit 전기 투석기
dialyzer 투석기
electrodialyzer 전기 투석기
extracellular fluid retention 세포외 유체 유지
fibrosis chamber 섬유증 챔버
cardiorenal syndrome 심장신장 증후군
inlet 주입구
outlet 발산, 출구,
chronic kidney disease 만성 신장병
chronic renal disease 만성 신장병
hypertension 고혈압
high blood pressure 고혈압
extracorporeally 체외에서 일어나는.
Nephron 네프론
Glomerulus 사구체
Tubule 관, 혈관
urinary tubule요세관
excrete 배설, 분비, 배출
discharge 방출, 해고, 석방, 방면, 해고하다, 떠남을 허락하다.
Severe 극심한, 가혹한
Cease 몸의 일부가 기능을 멈추다.
Diabetes 당뇨병
which are responsible for up to two-thirds of the cases.
이 두 가지 원인이 환자의 3분의 2에 달한다.
Accumulate (서서히) 늘어나다
Mortality rate 사망률
heart failure 심부전
Fluid accumulates 체액의 축적
Edema 수종 부종
swelling of the extremities and other tissues 다른 조직과 종지의 부종.
in turn 차례차례, 결국,
afflicted with ~ 고통받는 =suffer
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